Custom GLSL

GLSL Guide #

Using custom GLSL functions #

Hydra is built using GLSL (a language for generating a program, or shader, that runs directly on the graphics card using WebGl). Each javascript function in hydra corresponds directly to a snippet of shader code. There are four possible types in hydra: src, coord (geometry), combine (blend), combineCoord (modulate). Each string of functions is composited based on its type into a single string of fragment shader code.

You can see the glsl for each existing hydra function in glsl-functions.js of the hydra source code.

You can see the fragment shader code generated by a chain of functions in hydra, by replacing the .out() in a function chain with .glsl(), and then logging the results.

For example, console.log(osc().glsl()[0]) will show the fragment shader generates by osc() in the browser console.

setFunction #

The hydra-synth API includes a function called setFunction which lets you dynamically add a function with custom GLSL and custom name, and use it elsewhere in the code.

  • name is a String with the name for the function
  • type is one of the available types of functions (‘src’, ‘color’, ‘coord’, ‘combine’, ‘combineCoord’, esplained below)
  • inputs is an Array of objects each with it’s own name, type and default properties. These become the arguments of the generated GLSL function.
  • glsl is a String with the glsl code.

Example #

For example, the following code:

  name: 'gradient2',
  type: 'src',
  inputs: [
      type: 'float',
      name: 'speed',
      default: 0,
`   return vec4(sin(time*speed), _st, 1.0);`

will generate the glsl function:

vec4 gradient2(vec2 _st, float speed){
 return vec4(sin(time*speed), _st, 1.0);;

that is then usable in hydra using gradient2().out()

full example:

Types of GLSL functions and their arguments #

Types and default arguments for hydra functions. The value in the ’type’ field lets the parser know which type of function will be returned as well as default arguments.

const types = {
  'src': {
    returnType: 'vec4',
    args: ['vec2 _st']
  'coord': {  // geometry
    returnType: 'vec2',
    args: ['vec2 _st']
  'color': {
    returnType: 'vec4',
    args: ['vec4 _c0']
  'combine': { // blending
    returnType: 'vec4',
    args: ['vec4 _c0', 'vec4 _c1']
  'combineCoord': { // modulation
    returnType: 'vec2',
    args: ['vec2 _st', 'vec4 _c0']

src #

A function with a specified type of src is one that generates visuals by its own. Just like osc or noise. They all have a vec2 argument called _st for the coordinate. And you can add any custom inputs as shown above. You must return a vec4.

color #

A color function receives a vec4 called _c0 that represents the color being affected by the transform. As any function you may add any extra inputs. You must return another vec4.

coord #

A coord function receives a vec2 called _st that represents the coordinate plane. You must return another vec2.

combine #

The functions of type combine receive 2 vec4 arguments, _c0 and _c1. The first one represents the texture being affected and the latter represents the texture being blended into the former. For example, when you use osc().mult(noise()), inside the definition of the function, _c0 represents the osc() and _c1 represents the noise() colors. You can think combine functions as blending modes. And as custom function you may add extra inputs as needed. You must return a vec4.

combineCoord #

combineCoord functions change the position of colors in the texture being affected given the colors of another texture. Think about the many modulate functions for example, since they are precisely this type. They receive a vec2 _st and a vec4 _c0. You must return a vec2.

Built in functions you can use #

The following functions are pre-defined for every Hydra generated shader, and in the same way that some built-in functions use them, you may too:

_luminance #

float _luminance(vec3 rgb){
      const vec3 W = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
      return dot(rgb, W);

Returns the luminance of a given rgb color.

_rgb2Hsv #

vec3 _rgbToHsv(vec3 c){
    vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
    vec4 p = mix(vec4(, K.wz), vec4(, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
    vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));

    float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
    float e = 1.0e-10;
    return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);

Transforms a color from the rgb to the hsv colorspace.

_hsv2Rgb #

vec3 _hsvToRgb(vec3 c){
    vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
    vec3 p = abs(fract( + * 6.0 - K.www);
    return c.z * mix(, clamp(p -, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);

Transforms a color from the hsv colorspace back to rgb.

Note #

As of now there is no way to define “global” functions such as these ones just mentioned. But expect it soon!

Examples #

Chroma Key #

This example modifies color to replace green background with transparency (i.e., chroma keying). The GLSL code is ported from Inigo Quilez’s example.

    name: 'chroma',
    type: 'color',
    inputs: [
    glsl: `
        float maxrb = max( _c0.r, _c0.b );
        float k = clamp( (_c0.g-maxrb)*5.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
        float dg = _c0.g; 
        _c0.g = min( _c0.g, maxrb*0.8 ); 
        _c0 += vec4(dg - _c0.g);
        return vec4(_c0.rgb, 1.0 - k);

// s0.initCam()
// src(s0).out(o0)
osc(30, 0, 1).layer(src(o0).chroma()).out(o1)

GLSL Injection #

Since Hydra runs GLSL on the background, and everything you input into the parameters of the different functions ends up written on GLSL (be it literally or as a uniform), you can sort of hack Hydra (and totally break it) by sending strings of GLSL expressions as arguments:

The reason you can “totally break Hydra” here is that Hydra works with a modular flow. In order for it to work, when you do coordinate transforms after a bunch of interconnected textures, these transforms must apply to all coordinate references in the shader. If you inject values of the st coordinates in your arguments, Hydra has no way of applying any further transforms to them, therefore breaking the modularity.

Extensions #

Extra shaders #

There are some Hydra extensions that load many custom glsl functions, such as:

Extra Functionality #

The hydra-glsl extension allows you to write GLSL directly in your patches. For example:

    .glslCoord('xy*=(1.0/vec2(i0, i0)); return xy',.25)

by geikha