developing hydra-synth

Developing synth #

Clone the repository

enter the folder

cd hydra-synth

install the dependencies

npm install


npm run build

The bundled code is in dist/hydra-synth.js.

Trying on the browser #

This repository does not come with the editor. However, you can use the simple example dist/index.html. To do so, install http-server

npm install --global http-server

and serve dist folder

http-server dist

go to http://localhost:8000 in the browser. You can either edit the hydra code in index.html to try hydra functions, or open the developer console and type hydra code (e.g., osc().out()) and it will update the canvas. The former is useful for testing more complex examples including non-global mode, and the later is useful for quick testing.

For testing the integration with hydra-editor (of if you want to host your own hydra version on your server), please follow editor guide to host your own editor. Then, edit package.json in hydra (not hydra-synth) to use the local version of hydra-synth (assuming you have hydra and hydra-synth folders in the same folder)

"hydra-synth": "file:../hydra-synth",

Then in hydra, update the package

npm update hydra-synth

Now the editor is using your version of hydra-synth.