Using the web editor

Web editor #

basics of the browser editor at

key commands #

  • CTRL-Enter: run a line of code
  • CTRL-Shift-Enter: run all code on screen
  • ALT-Enter: run a block
  • CTRL-Shift-H: hide or show code
  • CTRL-Shift-F: format code using Prettier
  • CTRL-Shift-S: Save screenshot and download as local file. The
  • CTRL-Shift-G: Share to twitter (if available). Shares to @hydra_patterns

toolbar #

At the right up corner you will find a toolbar with these buttons:

  1. run all code Runs all code on the page (same as typing *ctrl+shift+enter)
  2. upload to gallery upload a sketch to Hydra’s gallery and create a shorter URL
  3. clear all resets the environment and clears text from the editor
  4. show random sketch. Loads random sketch examples. Always it is a good way to learn Hydra by studying someone elses code.
  5. make random change dices modify values automatically. Try it with some of the sketch examples.
  6. show info window show overlay window with help text and links

share your sketch #

When you evaluate the entire code with the run button or with shift + ctrl + enter, Hydra automatically generates a URL that contains the last changes of your sketch. You can copy and paste the url from the URL bar to save it or share it with other people. You can also use the browser back and forward arrows to navigate to earlier versions of your sketch.

sharing with the code hidden #

The showCode=false url flag makes it possible to share a sketch with the code hidden.

For example, the following sketch

osc(10, 0.1, 1.2).modulateScale(noise(3)).out()

is available at the URL

this URL will correspond to the same sketch, but with the code and toolbar hidden:

pressing Ctrl+Shift+h will show the code again

What is an error? #

Sometimes, you will try to run a line of code, and nothing will happen. If you have an error you’ll notice text in red at the left-bottom on your screen. Something like ‘Unexpected token ‘.’ (in red) will appear. This doesn’t affect your code, but you won’t be able to continue coding until you fix the error. Usually it is a typing error or something related to the syntax.

What is a comment? #

// Hello I’m a comment line. I’m a text that won’t change your code. You can write notations, your name or even a poem here.